New Delhi: The web has recently risked upon an old image of hotshot Shah Rukh Khan and spouse Gauri Khan and everything we can say is goodness. The extremely valuable memory was shared by entertainer maker Viveck Vaswani on his unconfirmed Twitter account. Instantly, the image took over online media and was shared by numerous individuals of SRK's fan clubs.
It highlights Shah Rukh Khan all fit booted with Gauri close by. She glances beautiful in a dark top and denim. Apparently the photograph was taken soon after their wedding in 1991 as Gauri is seen wearing red marriage chooda (bangles). On the opposite side of SRK stands his sister Lalarukh Khan.
"Much before Bollywood, before terms like Bollywood spouses were begat, home was Dalamal Park and mother was mother! There was warmth and unequivocal acknowledgment! Here is Mom with Shah Rukh, Gauri, Lalarukh and moi," read the subtitle for Viveck Vaswani's post.
Shah Rukh Khan and Viveck Vaswani share an old bond. It was Vivek who co-delivered SRK's 'Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman' and the team has additionally co-featured in various movies.
In the interim, on the work front, Shah Rukh Khan will be next found in 'Pathan'.